If I’ve seen anything, I’ve seen that there are a lot of Cinder Block walls out there, structural, back-filled berm and common yard separator’s. It’s fairly common that I get the question “can I paint my cinder block wall?” The simple answer is YES!
For sure, there are conditions, like; “Is the wall currently painted?” “Is the wall stucco’d?” “Is the wall bare, no paint/stucco?”
The actual point of this Do-It-Yourself, Tip-Of-The-Week is achieving a job that you never need to look back on. Let’s assume you have a bare (natural) Cinder Block Wall, not previously painted and no stucco. If this is the case, there is really only one paint primer product that you need to use…Sherwin-Williams Loxon, Concrete Primer (BTW, I do not get paid by Sherwin Williams for the tip). This product is amazing! Simply power wash the bare wall from any debris and prime paint the product on. Off the shelf, it comes in white. In the event you want to apply a paint color on top of the Loxon, do that. No problem. Loxon run’s about $110 a gallon.
I cannot recommend applying the Loxon product to a previously applied paint or on top of stucco. If that’s what you want to do, check with your Sherwin Williams distributor. Likewise, I cannot comment on applying the product to a concrete floor…just haven’t been asked to do it before. There you go. If I can help in any other way, do let me know.
-Butch Capo