Planter Boxes

DIY your own Planter Box

Ok, Spring season is just around the corner.  A lot of us are planning for the planting season.  While in-ground planting is popular, not all of us have the necessary ground to plant in.  Hence, Planter Boxes.  They work really well!  You have huge options with Planter Boxes. 

You can have them custom-built to your specific needs or, buy them pre-fabricated.  If custom built (if they’re sitting on a hard surface concrete or similar), be certain to have them built tall, say roughly 30” in height.  In addition, have large holes drilled in the bottom so water can percolate through.  This is a must!  

Depth allows the roots to run deeper.  In the event you set them on dirt, a taller planter box is not necessary.  Height is whatever you want.  I might suggest a max height of say 24”.  It’s up to you.  The roots will find their way to the natural dirt below.  Whether custom built or pre-fabricated, probably the most important aspect is an interior wall water sealer. 

Without a water seal, the moisture will degrade the wood in fairly short order.  You may only get 5+/- years use out of the box.  The proper product for a vegetable garden is 3-mil plastic, covering the entire interior surface.  You can use the same product for planting a flower garden, or, you can use a product called Red-Guard.  This product is applied with a paint roller or brush.  I would not use Red Guard for a vegetable garden. 

Either way, you are protecting the wood from decay.  For additional info on wood types, thickness of wood, irrigation and the like, feel free to DM me.  There you go, Your Do-It-Yourself, Tip-Of-The-Day.